Nomination form Nominee name: *Nominee email: *Is nominated as *PresidentSenior Vice PresidentJunior Vice PresidentHon. TreasurerElected Member of Governing Body (Candidates must have been members of the United Ward Club for at least two years and should addiitonally appreciate that, whist not manadatory, they should be willing to stand as President in due course.)Event committeeMembership, Marketing & Communications committeePlease select one of aboveNoteThis form must be delivered to the Company Secretary to arrive no later than 15th March 2024 (i.e. seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting on 22nd March 2024) Candidates are welcome to send a personal statement to the company secretary. Candidates should submit the form and request the proposer and seconder to email the company secretary at *protected email* confirming their support.Proposers name: *Proposers email: *Seconder’s name: *Seconder’s email: * Submit form Please leave this field empty Join the United Wards Club Mailing List Subscribe to our mailing list to receive news, updates and more! Email Address * We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info. Please check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.