The installation dinner will be held, after the AGM, at Guildhall in the splendid Livery Hall to celebrate Chris Edge’s election as our new President. The guest speaker will be the RT Hon Lord (Tariq) Ahmad KMC of Wimbledon. Tariq previously served as Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Commonwealth and United Nations at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office..
6:45 pm for 7:30 pm on Monday 17th March 2025 following the earlier Annual General Meeting (for which notice has been sent to Members separately).
This is the incoming President’s first event of his year and we are sure that as many Members as possible will want to support Chris Edge and welcome him to office.
Billingsgate Porter Pan Fried Fish Cake, Light Curry Sauce with Samphire Sauce
Whole Roasted Boned Quail Stuffed with Creedy Carver Free Range Chicken Parfait
Rich Maderia Sauce, served with Lyonnaise Potatoes, Cumin Purple Carrot & Green Cabbage
Peruvian Coffee Crème Brulee, White Chocolate Ice Cream, Sailor Jerry Spiced Jamaican Rum Crème Anglaise
Please make sure you put any dietary requirements on each individual’s booking entry.
A seperate pour memoire will be sent by email to each attendees email address a few days prior to the event.
Photographs will be taken during the event and some may be added to our archives, online, please let the photographer know if you object to having your photo taken.
Date: March 17, 2025Time: 6:45 pm - 11:00 pmVenue: GuildhallLocation: Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HH, Price: £130.00 – £140.00Category: Event