A United Wards Club Heritage City Walk
A walk to explore the club's early history. Waiting list - please contact the Secretary as this walk is now fully subscribed
A walk to explore the club's early history. Waiting list - please contact the Secretary as this walk is now fully subscribed
Book via Travel Editions - details from the Secretary
A Royal Tribute: a tour of the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, and luncheon in the Red Drawing Room
Visit to the City of London Freemen's School Bookings have now closed.
Carol service at St Margaret Lothbury and Christmas luncheon in the Old Library at Guildhall Bookings have now closed
Talk by Garry Wykes on Zoom 6:30 pm Wednesday 11 January 2023 Cost £5 per person which will be donated to St Joseph's Hospice in Hackney
Civic Luncheon at Bakers' Hall to entertain our Patron the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor, the Lady Mayoress and the Sheriffs
Wednesday 29 March at Bakers' Hall = AGM 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 for 7:30